
Uma Model

Ref D1001
항목스케일 모델
제목AV-8B Harrier II Plus

The McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) AV-8B 해리어 II is a single-engine ground-attack aircraft that constitutes the second generation of the Harrier family, capable of vertical or short takeoff and landing (V/STOL).

소스: Wikipedia

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Ref 61127
항목스케일 모델

Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II

This is a 1/48 scale plastic model assembly kit. Length: 327mm, wingspan: 273mm. ★The low observability design is faithfully depicted. ★Fine recreations of Radar Absorbent Material (RAM) are molded into fuselage surfaces. ★Separate assemblies of folded and extended wingtips can be interchanged after assembly. ★Choose deployed or retracted fuel probe. ★Flaps are depicted down for an accurate parked aircraft. ★The F-35C’s reinforced nose landing gear is recreated in style. ★Arresting hook doors can be depicted open or closed. ★Choose open or closed weapons bay doors. Parts are included for two each of AIM-9X and AIM-120C AMRAAM missiles, plus four GBU-12 and two GBU-31 bombs. ★The optional gun pod is also recreated with accuracy. ★Choose an extended or retracted boarding ladder. ★Wheel chocks are included. ★The kit comes with a seated pilot figure, and 6 marking options plus canopy masking stickers for use in the paint job.

소스: Tamiya

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전망 : 16

Eduard 82108


Ref 82108
형식 밀리터리 모델
규모 1/48

P-51B/C 머스탱

브랜드의 모델 Eduard 키트: P-51B/ C Mustang w/ dorsal fin.

The ProfiPACK edition of the kit of the US WWII fighter aircraft P-51B/C Mustang in 1/48 scale.

The kit offers to build Mustang version B and C with dorsal fin in one of the five USAAF markings and one from the RAF.
  • plastic parts: Eduard
  • marking options: 6
  • decals: Eduard
  • PE parts: pre-painted
  • painting mask: yes
  • resin parts: no
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전망 : 16

K30 비호

K30 비호

역할자추진 대공 총
서비스 중1999 - 현재

Tthe 케이30 는 1983년 600여 명의 인력이 연구를 진행하고 약 100억원의 연구비를 투입하는 프로젝트로 처음 발표됐다. 2001년 9월 동일중공업 산하에 시제품 제작이 이뤄졌고, 2007년 두산인프라코어가 한국국방사업과 계약을 체결했다. 2002년에 K30을 공급하기 위한 초기 주문이 이루어졌습니다.

소스: K30 Biho 위키피디아

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조회수 : 82

K9 썬더

K9 썬더

역할자체 추진 곡사포
서비스 중1999 - 현재

Tthe K9 썬더 는 국방과학기술원과 동명중공업, 기아중공업, 풍산, 삼성항공우주산업 등 민간기업이 대한민국을 위해 설계·개발한 한국의 155mm 자주포로, 현재 한화항공우주에서 제조하고 있다. K9 곡사포는 K10 탄약 재보급 차량과 함께 그룹으로 작동합니다.

소스: 위키피디아의 K9 Thunder

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전망 : 73

스티어맨 해먼드 Y-1S

Stearman Hammond Y-1S

역할유틸리티 모노플레인
첫 비행Unknow

Tthe 스티어맨-해먼드 Y-1 Stearman-Hammond Aircraft Corporation이 제작 한 1930 년대 미국 유틸리티 단엽기였으며 미국 해군과 영국 왕립 공군에 의해 평가되었습니다

소스: Stearman Hammond Y-1S 위키피디아
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전망 : 275

Bandvagn BvS 410 바이킹
Bandvagn BvS10
역할수륙 양용 장갑차
디자이너BAE 시스템 랜드 시스템 Hägglunds

Tthe BVS10 시리즈 (Bandvagn Skyddad 10, also known as Bandvagn 410 or BV410) is a tracked articulated amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle produced by BAE Systems Land Systems Hägglunds of Sweden. This vehicle, referred to as the All Terrain Vehicle (protected) – ATV(P) or Viking by the UK forces, was originally developed as a collaboration between industry – Hägglunds Vehicle AB – and the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) on behalf of the Royal Marines.

소스: Bandvagn BvS10의 Wikipedia 계정

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Views : 180

15cm 시그 33

15cm 신호 33

서비스 중1927–1945

Tthe 15cm 신호 33 (schweres Infanterie Geschütz 33, lit. “heavy infantry gun”) was the standard German heavy infantry gun used in the Second World War. It was the largest weapon ever classified as an infantry gun by any nation.[1] Its weight made it difficult to use in the field, and the gun was increasingly adapted to various ad hoc mobile mountings. These were generically referred to as the SIG 33

소스: 15 cm sIG 33 위키피디아

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조회수 : 244

파이퍼 PA-34-200T 세네카 II

Piper PA-34 Seneca

역할비즈니스 및 개인 항공기
첫 비행25 April 1967

Tthe 파이퍼 PA-34 세네카 is a twin-engined light aircraft, produced in the United States by Piper Aircraft. It has been in non-continuous production since 1971. The Seneca is primarily used for personal and business flying.

소스: Piper PA-34 Seneca on Wikipedia
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