K30 Biho

K30 Biho

역할자추진 대공 총
서비스 중1999–present

Tthe K30 was first announced as a project in 1983 with 600 personnel conducting research and around 10 billion won spent on R&D. In September 2001, the production of prototypes were done under Tong-il Heavy Industries before Doosan Infracore concluded a contract with Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program in 2007. An initial order was made in 2002 to supply the K30.

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K9 썬더

K9 썬더

역할자체 추진 곡사포
서비스 중1999–present

Tthe K9 썬더 is a South Korean 155 mm self-propelled howitzer designed and developed by the Agency for Defense Development and private corporations including Dongmyeong Heavy Industries, Kia Heavy Industry, Poongsan Corporation, and Samsung Aerospace Industries for the Republic of Korea Armed Forces, and is now manufactured by Hanwha Aerospace. K9 howitzers operate in groups with the K10 Ammunition Resupply Vehicle variant.

소스: 위키피디아의 K9 Thunder

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스티어맨 해먼드 Y-1S

Stearman Hammond Y-1S

역할유틸리티 모노플레인
첫 비행Unknow

Tthe 스티어맨-해먼드 Y-1 Stearman-Hammond Aircraft Corporation이 제작 한 1930 년대 미국 유틸리티 단엽기였으며 미국 해군과 영국 왕립 공군에 의해 평가되었습니다

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전망 : 252

Bandvagn BvS 410 바이킹
Bandvagn BvS10
역할수륙 양용 장갑차
디자이너BAE 시스템 랜드 시스템 Hägglunds

Tthe BVS10 시리즈 (Bandvagn Skyddad 10, also known as Bandvagn 410 or BV410) is a tracked articulated amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle produced by BAE Systems Land Systems Hägglunds of Sweden. This vehicle, referred to as the All Terrain Vehicle (protected) – ATV(P) or Viking by the UK forces, was originally developed as a collaboration between industry – Hägglunds Vehicle AB – and the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) on behalf of the Royal Marines.

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15cm 시그 33

15cm 신호 33

서비스 중1927–1945

Tthe 15cm 신호 33 (schweres Infanterie Geschütz 33, lit. “heavy infantry gun”) was the standard German heavy infantry gun used in the Second World War. It was the largest weapon ever classified as an infantry gun by any nation.[1] Its weight made it difficult to use in the field, and the gun was increasingly adapted to various ad hoc mobile mountings. These were generically referred to as the SIG 33

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파이퍼 PA-34-200T 세네카 II

Piper PA-34 Seneca

역할비즈니스 및 개인 항공기
첫 비행25 April 1967

Tthe 파이퍼 PA-34 세네카 is a twin-engined light aircraft, produced in the United States by Piper Aircraft. It has been in non-continuous production since 1971. The Seneca is primarily used for personal and business flying.

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트랜스아비아 PL12 에어트럭

Transavia PL-12 Airtruk

역할농업용 항공기
첫 비행1965년 4월 2일

Tthe 트랜스아비아 PL-12 에어트루크 호주의 Transavia Corporation에서 설계 및 제작한 단일 엔진 농업용 항공기입니다. Airtruk은 모든 금속 구조의 어깨 날개 스트럿 브레이스 세스 플레인으로, 조종석은 트랙터 위치 대향 실린더 공랭식 엔진과 뒷문이있는 짧은 포드 동체 위에 장착됩니다. 엔진 카울링, 후방 동체 및 상단 데크는 유리 섬유로 되어 있습니다. 그것은 세발 자전거 하부 구조를 가지고 있으며, 그 주요 장치는 더 낮은 sesquiplane 날개에 운반됩니다. 두 개의 연결되지 않은 꼬리가 있는 트윈 테일 붐이 있습니다. 첫 비행은 1965 년 4 월 22 일에 이루어졌으며 1966 년 2 월 10 일에 인증되었습니다.

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조회수 : 64

지비 모델 R

Gee Bee Model R

역할에어 레이싱
첫 비행13 August 1932

Tthe Gee Bee 모델 R 슈퍼 스포츠 스타 was a special-purpose racing aircraft made by Granville Brothers Aircraft of Springfield, Massachusetts at the now-abandoned Springfield Airport. Gee Bee stands for Granville Brothers.

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스파르탄 7W 이그제큐티브

Spartan 7W Executive

역할개인 고급 운송 수단
첫 비행March 8, 1936

Tthe 스파르탄 7W 이그제큐티브 is a cabin monoplane aircraft that was produced by the Spartan Aircraft Company during the late 1930s and early 1940s. The 7W features an all-metal fuselage, as well as a retractable undercarriage. The 7W Executive was popular with affluent buyers worldwide.

소스: 위키백과의 Spartan 7W Executive
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