Minä 410 Cosford

Messerschmitt Me 410

Maa Saksa
Rooli Raskas hävittäjä, hävittäjäpommittaja
Ensimmäinen lento 14. maaliskuuta 1942
Rakennettu 1189

Nniiden Messerschmitt Me 410 Hornisse Hornet oli saksalainen raskas taistelija ja Schnellbomber, jota Luftwaffe käytti toisen maailmansodan aikana. Vaikka se oli pohjimmiltaan Me 210: n asteittainen parannus, sillä oli uusi siipisuunnitelma, pidempi runko ja moottorit, joilla oli suurempi teho. Muutokset olivat niin merkittäviä, että ne nimettiin Me 410: ksi.

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Messerschmitt Me 410 Walk Around
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Meng-malli - LS-004
Messerschmitt Me 410 B-2/U2/R4 Heavy Fighter
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Cosford Me 410 Walk Around
ValokuvaajaTony Taylor

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Nniiden Messerschmitt Me 410 Hornisse was a German twin-engine heavy fighter and fast bomber that saw service in World War II. It was developed from the unsuccessful Messerschmitt Me 210, which had serious stability and handling problems. The Me 410 had a new wing design, a longer fuselage and more powerful Daimler-Benz DB 603 engines that gave it better performance and payload capacity.
Nniiden Me 410 was used for various roles, such as bomber, fighter-bomber, ground-attack, reconnaissance and night fighter. It had a crew of two and was armed with two 20 mm cannons and two 13 mm machine guns in the nose, as well as two 13 mm machine guns in remote-controlled turrets on the sides of the fuselage. It could also carry up to 1,000 kg of bombs in an internal bay or under the wings. The Me 410 was initially successful against unescorted Allied bombers, but it proved vulnerable to Allied fighters such as the P-51 Mustang and the P-47 Thunderbolt. The Me 410 production was halted in August 1944 in favor of more advanced jet fighters such as the Me 262.

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