Handley Page Halifax | |
Riik | Uk |
Rolli | Raske pommitaja |
Esimene lend | 25. oktoober 1939 |
Ehitatud | 6176 |
2007 Handley leht Halifax was a Royal Air Force (RAF) four-engined heavy bomber of the Second World War. It was developed by Handley Page to the same specification as the contemporary twin-engine Avro Manchester. The Halifax has its origins in the twin-engine HP56 proposal of the late 1930s, produced in response to the British Air Ministry’s Specification P.13/36 for a capable medium bomber for “world-wide use.” The HP56 was ordered as a backup to the Avro 679, both aircraft being designed to use the underperforming Rolls-Royce Vulture engine. The Handley Page design was altered at the Ministry to a four-engine arrangement powered by the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine; the rival Avro 679 was produced as the twin-engine Avro Manchester which, while regarded as unsuccessful mainly due to the Vulture engine, was a direct predecessor of the famed Avro Lancaster. Both the Lancaster and the Halifax would emerge as capable four-engined strategic bombers, thousands of which would be built and operated by the RAF and several other services during the War.
Allikas: Handley Page Halifax Vikipeedias
Handley Page Halifax Bomber Walk Around | |
Photographer | Bill Maloney |
Localisation | RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force Museum |
Photos | 45 |

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2007 Handley leht Halifax was a four-engined heavy bomber of the British Royal Air Force during the Second World War. It was developed by Handley Page to meet the same specification as the Avro Manchester, a twin-engine bomber that proved to be unreliable and underpowered. The Halifax used the more successful Rolls-Royce Merlin engines and had a larger wingspan and payload capacity than the Manchester. The Halifax made its first flight on 25 October 1939 and entered service with the RAF on 13 November 1940.
Halifax oli üks peamisi pommitajate väejuhatuse pommitajaid koos Lancasteri ja Stirlingiga. See viis läbi strateegilisi pommitamismissioone Saksamaa ja okupeeritud Euroopa vastu, samuti muid sihtmärke, nagu U-paadid, V-relvade saidid ja naftatöötlemistehased. Halifaxil oli seitsmeliikmeline meeskond, mis koosnes piloodist, lennuinsenerist, navigaatorist, pommipüüdjast, traadita operaatorist ja kahest laskurist. Halifax oli relvastatud kuue või kaheksa .303 Browningi kuulipildujaga erinevates tornides ja võis oma sisemises pommilahtris kanda kuni 5,897 kg pomme.
Halifax läbis kogu oma kasutusaja jooksul mitmeid täiustusi ja muudatusi, nagu võimsamad mootorid, parem kaitsev relvastus, suurenenud kütusevõimsus ja parem aerodünaamika. Halifax täitis lisaks pommitamisele ka muid rolle, nagu merepatrull, purilennukite pukseerimine, paravägede transport ja varustuse langus. Halifaxi kasutasid ka teised liitlaste õhujõud, näiteks Kanada kuninglikud õhujõud, Austraalia kuninglikud õhujõud, Vabad Prantsuse õhujõud ja Poola õhujõud. Halifax jäi sõja lõpus RAF-i teenistusest pensionile, pärast seda, kui see asendati Avro Lincolniga strateegilise pommitajana. Aastatel 1940–1946 ehitati kokku 6 176 Halifaxi.
Vaadatud : 2854