C-47B-30-DK Dakota

Douglas C-47 Skytrain

Krajiny Spojené štáty americké
Úlohu Vojenské dopravné lietadlá
Prvý let 23. decembra 1941
Postavený 10174

Komisia Douglas C-47 Skytrain Dakota (označenie RAF) je vojenské dopravné lietadlo vyvinuté z civilného dopravného lietadla Douglas DC-3. Počas druhej svetovej vojny ho vo veľkej miere používali spojenci a zostáva v prvej línii s rôznymi vojenskými operátormi.

Zdrojový: Douglas C-47 Skytrain na Wikipédii
Douglas C-53D Skytrooper Walk Around
Špecializovaná vojenská preprava C-53 Skytrooper sa začala vyrábať v októbri 1941 v závode Douglas Aircraft v Santa Monice v Kalifornii. Chýbali mu nákladné dvere, upevnenie kladkostroja a zosilnená podlaha C-47. Celkovo bolo vyrobených len 380 lietadiel, pretože sa zistilo, že C-47 je univerzálnejší.
Fotograf Vladimír Jakubov
Lokalizácia Ústredné múzeum ozbrojených síl
Fotografie 217
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Airfix - A08014
Douglas C-47 Skytrain
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C-47 Skytrain/Dakota Walk Around

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Douglas C-47 Skytrain Walk Around
FotografBill Maloney
LokalizáciaFloyd Bennett Poľný HARP

Pozri tiež:

Druhá svetová vojna: Definitívna vizuálna história od Blitzkriegu po atómovú bombu (DK Definitive Visual History) - Amazon Mapa druhej svetovej vojny podľa mapy (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

Viac info:

Komisia Douglas C-47 Skytrain was a military transport aircraft developed from the civilian DC-3 airliner. It was used extensively by the Allies during World War II and remained in service for decades after the war. The C-47 was capable of carrying up to 28 passengers or 6,000 pounds of cargo. It could also tow gliders or drop paratroopers into enemy territory. The C-47 was known for its reliability, versatility and ruggedness. It earned the nickname “Gooney Bird” from its pilots and crew.
Komisia C-47 was involved in many notable missions and operations during the war, such as the Berlin Airlift, the D-Day invasion, the Burma Campaign and the airlift of supplies to China over the Himalayas. The C-47 also served in the Korean War, the Vietnam War and various humanitarian and civil operations around the world. Some of the C-47s were modified for special purposes, such as gunships, electronic warfare, reconnaissance and medical evacuation. The C-47 was retired from the US Air Force in 1975, but some of them are still flying today as civilian aircraft or museum exhibits.

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