Lockheed L-049 Constellation

Lockheed L-049 Constellation

RoliDoprava – Dopravní letadlo
První let9. ledna 1943

Lockheed L-049 Constellation byl prvním modelem řady letadel Lockheed Constellation. Do služby vstoupil jako vojenský dopravní letoun C-69 během druhé světové války pro letectvo armády Spojených států a byl první civilní verzí po válce. Po ukončení výroby v roce 1946 byl nahrazen vylepšenými modely L-649 a L-749 Constellation.

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Lockheed L-049 Constellation Procházka kolem
FotografJohn Heck
LokalizacePima Air and Space Museum, Tucson
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Lockheed L-049 Constellation was a pioneering aircraft that revolutionized the aviation industry in the mid-20th century. It was designed by Lockheed in response to the vision of Howard Hughes, the owner of Trans World Airlines, who wanted an airliner that could fly faster, farther and higher than any other. The L-049 was the first model of the Constellation series, which also included the L-649, L-749 and L-1049 Super Constellation. The L-049 entered service as a military transport aircraft during World War II, designated as C-69, and was later converted to a civilian version after the war. It had a distinctive appearance with a triple-tail design and a dolphin-shaped fuselage. It was powered by four Wright R-3350 radial engines that gave it a cruising speed of 500 km/h and a range of 6,430 km.
It could carry up to 81 passengers in a pressurized cabin that offered comfort and luxury. The L-049 was operated by several airlines around the world, such as TWA, Pan American, American Overseas and BOAC. It was also used for some special flights, such as the Berlin Airlift and the first non-stop flight from London to New York. The L-049 was produced from 1942 to 1946, with a total of 88 units built (14 military and 74 civilian). It was replaced by the improved L-649 and L-749 Constellation models, which had more powerful engines, larger fuel tanks and increased payload. The L-049 Constellation was a remarkable achievement of engineering and design that marked a new era in commercial aviation.

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