Келлетт К-2

Келлетт К-2

РольУтилітарний автожир
Перший політApril 24, 1931

У 201 Келлетт К-2 was a two-seat autogyro developed in the United States in the early 1930s. Later examples were designated K-3 and K-4 when equipped with more powerful engines.

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ФотографВолодимир Якубов
ЛокалізацієюНаціональний музей ВПС США
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Більше інформації:

У 201 Келлетт К-2 was an autogyro developed in the United States in the 1930s. It was a two-seat aircraft with an open cockpit and a conventional tailwheel landing gear. The rotor was powered by a small engine mounted on the mast, while the main engine drove a propeller in the nose. The K-2 was designed for civil and military use, and was tested by the US Army Air Corps as a possible observation and liaison aircraft.
The K-2 had a low stall speed and could take off and land in short distances, making it suitable for operation from unprepared fields. However, it also had some drawbacks, such as limited forward speed, high fuel consumption, and vulnerability to crosswinds. The К-2 was not adopted by the military, but some were sold to private owners and used for various purposes, such as aerial photography, crop dusting, and barnstorming.

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