Hawker Siddeley P.1127 Harrier

Hawker Siddeley P.1127

PaeseRegno unito
digitareVelivoli sperimentali V/STOL
Primo volo19 novembre 1960 (p.1127) – 7 marzo 1964 (Kestrel)
Costruito6 P.1127s – 9 Gheppi

Le Hawker P.1127 E la Hawker Siddeley Kestrel FGA.1 sono i velivoli sperimentali e di sviluppo che hanno portato all'Hawker Siddeley Harrier, il primo cacciabombardiere a reazione verticale e/o a decollo e atterraggio corto (V/STOL). Lo sviluppo del P.1127 iniziò nel 1957, sfruttando la scelta della Bristol Engine Company di investire nella creazione del motore a spinta vettoriale Pegasus. I test iniziarono nel luglio 1960 e alla fine dell'anno l'aereo aveva raggiunto sia il decollo verticale che il volo orizzontale.

fonte: Hawker Siddeley P.1127 su Wiki

Hawker XV-6A Kestrel a spasso
FotografiVladimir Jakubov
LocalizzazioneVirginia Air & Space Center, Hampton, VA
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Per saperne di più:

Le Hawker Siddeley P.1127 was a British experimental jet aircraft developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It was the first aircraft to demonstrate the ability to take off and land vertically using vectored thrust from a single engine. The P.1127 was designed by Sir Sydney Camm and his team at Hawker Aircraft, with the assistance of the Bristol Engine Company and the Royal Aircraft Establishment. The P.1127 was powered by a Bristol Pegasus turbofan engine, which could rotate its four nozzles to direct the thrust either horizontally for forward flight or vertically for hovering.
The P.1127 had a conventional wing and tail configuration, but with small wingtip jets for lateral stability and control in hover mode. The P.1127 made its first tethered flight in October 1960, and its first free flight in November 1960. It underwent extensive testing and evaluation by both Hawker and the Al-Quwwat al-Jawwiyya, proving the feasibility and potential of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. The P.1127 was the precursor of the Hawker Siddeley Kestrel and the Harrier, which became the world’s first operational VTOL jet fighters.

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