
RWD 13

TipoAvión de turismo
Primer vuelo15 de enero de 1935

el RWD 13 fue un avión de turismo polaco de 1935, monoplano triplaza de ala alta, diseñado por el equipo RWD. Fue el mayor éxito comercial de la RWD.

Fuente: RWD 13 en Wiki

RWD-13 Walk Around
FotógrafoOndrej Skarka
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Aircraft: The Definitive Visual History (DK Definitive Transport Guides) - Amazon

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Ver también:

Segunda Guerra Mundial: La historia visual definitiva de la guerra relámpago a la bomba atómica (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon Segunda Guerra Mundial Mapa por Mapa (DK History Mapa por Mapa) - Amazon

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Más información:

RWD 13 was a Polish single-engine biplane trainer aircraft designed and built by the RWD team in the early 1930s. It was used by the Polish Air Force and civilian aviation until the outbreak of World War II. The RWD 13 had a wooden structure covered with plywood and fabric, and a fixed landing gear with a tail skid. The cockpit had two open seats in tandem, with dual controls. The aircraft was powered by a de Havilland Gipsy Major inline engine that gave it a maximum speed of 185 km/h and a range of 750 km.
The RWD 13 was praised for its excellent handling and aerobatic capabilities, as well as its reliability and durability. It was also one of the few aircraft that could land and take off from rough fields and snow-covered terrain. The RWD 13 was exported to several countries, including Brazil, Estonia, Latvia, Palestine, Romania and Yugoslavia. Some of them survived the war and were used for various purposes until the late 1940s.

Vistas : 244


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