de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide
de Havilland Dragon Rapide
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Prvi let17. aprila 1934

V de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide is a 1930s short-haul biplane airliner developed and produced by British aircraft company de Havilland. Capable of accommodating 6–8 passengers, it proved an economical and durable craft, despite its relatively primitive plywood construction. Developed during the early 1930s, the Dragon Rapide was essentially a smaller, twin-engined version of the four-engined DH.86 Express, and shared a number of common features, such as its tapered wings, streamlined fairings and Gipsy Six engines. First named the “Dragon Six”, the type was marketed as “Dragon Rapide” and later simply known as the “Rapide”. Upon its introduction in summer 1934, it proved to be a popular aircraft with airlines and private civil operators alike, attaining considerable foreign sales in addition to its domestic use.

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Dragon Rapide: De Havilland's Classic Biplane Airliner - Amazon

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Druga svetovna vojna: Dokončna vizualna zgodovina od Blitzkriega do atomske bombe (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon Zemljevid druge svetovne vojne po zemljevidu (DK zgodovinski zemljevid po zemljevidu) - Amazon

Več informacij:

The de Havilland Dragon Rapide was a biplane airliner that flew for the first time in 1934. It was developed by the British aircraft company de Havilland, and it could carry 6 to 8 passengers over short distances. It had two de Havilland Gipsy Six engines, which gave it a maximum speed of 253 km/h and a range of 920 km. The Dragon Rapide was made of plywood, which was an outdated material at the time, but it was economical and reliable.
The Dragon Rapide was used by many civil airlines and military forces before and during World War II, when it was known as the de Havilland Dominie. It was one of the most successful British short-haul airliners of the 1930s.

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