de Havilland DH.104 Dove | |
Land | Uk |
Role | Korteafstandsvliegtuig |
Eerste vlucht | 25 september 1945 |
Gebouwd | 544 |
De de Havilland DH.104 Duif is een Brits korteafstandsvliegtuig ontwikkeld en geproduceerd door de Havilland. Het ontwerp, dat een eendekker was als opvolger van de vooroorlogse Dragon Rapide tweedekker, kwam voort uit het rapport van de Brabazon-commissie dat, naast andere vliegtuigtypen, opriep tot een door de Britten ontworpen korteafstandsfeeder voor luchtvaartmaatschappijen.
De Havilland DH.104 ‘Dove’ Walk Around | |
Fotograaf | Ondrej Skarka |
Lokalisatie | Onbewust |
Foto 's | 16 |

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De de Havilland DH.104 Duif was a British short-haul airliner developed and manufactured by de Havilland. It was a monoplane successor to the prewar de Havilland Dragon Rapide biplane. The design came about from the Brabazon Committee report which, amongst other aircraft types, called for a British-designed short-haul feeder for airlines.
The Dove first flew on 25 September 1945 and entered production in 1946. It was one of Britain’s most successful postwar civil designs, with over 500 aircraft being built until 1967. The Dove had a metal structure and featured innovations such as constant-speed propellers, flaps, and a retractable tricycle undercarriage. It could carry between eight and eleven passengers in a comfortable cabin that could be easily converted between different seating configurations.
The Dove was also widely used by military operators, such as the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy, who designated it as the Devon and the Sea Devon respectively. Several overseas military forces also operated the Dove for transport and communication purposes. A longer four-engined development of the Dove, intended for use in less developed areas of the world, was the Heron. A redesigned three-engined variant of the Dove was built in Australia as the de Havilland Australia DHA-3 Drover.
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