PaísUnión Soviética
PapelMáquina de trinchera militar

el BTM-3 (Ruso: БТМ-Bisztrohodnaja transejnaja Быстроходная транхейная махина/machine, húngaro: máquina árokoló razonable), fabricado en la máquina militar de trincheras de la Unión Soviética. No más de 1,5 m de profundidad y la responsabilidad de 1,1 m de ancho (marcas) de rápida excavación de zanjas. El suelo rocoso no se aplicó.

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Segunda Guerra Mundial: La historia visual definitiva de la guerra relámpago a la bomba atómica (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon Segunda Guerra Mundial Mapa por Mapa (DK History Mapa por Mapa) - Amazon

Más información:

el BTM-3 is a post-war Soviet military excavator. The first prototypes of the vehicle appeared in the late 1950s, and serial production began around 1960. The vehicle is powered by a single 415 hp A-401 diesel engine.
The BTM-3 was developed as a highly specialized excavator designed to create military trenches or trenches for cables or pipes in unfrozen soil. Its design was based on the ATT-409 tractor, from which many components were taken, primarily the engine and chassis.
The BTM-3 is a heavily armored vehicle, capable of withstanding small arms fire and artillery shell fragments. It has a crew of two, who are seated in a compartment at the front of the vehicle. The digging arm is located at the rear of the vehicle and can be raised and lowered hydraulically. The arm is equipped with a bucket that can dig trenches up to 1.3 meters (4.3 ft) deep and 1.1 meters (3.6 ft) wide. The BTM-3 can dig at a speed of up to 400 meters (1,300 ft) per hour.
The BTM-3 was used extensively by the Soviet Army during the Cold War, and it remains in service with the Russian military today. It has also been exported to a number of other countries, including Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany.

Vistas : 3353


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