Вантажівка M52A2

Вантажівка M52A2

Тип5-ton 6×6 truck

Tractor trucks were used to tow semi-trailers up to 37,500 lb (17,000 kg) with 15,000 lb (6,800 kg) on their fifth wheel. Semi-tractor/trailers have to stay on relatively flat ground, and are not rated for full off-road use. On improved roads they could tow up to 55,000 lb (25,000 kg) with 25,000 lb (11,000 kg) on their fifth wheel. Tractor trucks normally towed a 12-ton, 2-axle trailer. There were stake and platform, van, low-bed, and tanker bodies. Six-ton, 2-axle expansible vans and 6-ton, single-axle vans were also used

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M52A2 Truck Walk Around
ФотографВолодимир Якубов
ЛокалізацієюВійськовий музей Мотта
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M52 Truck, Tractor, 5 Ton, 6×6 Walk Around
ФотографВолодимир Якубов
ЛокалізацієюДельта табору MVCC

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Більше інформації:

У 201 Вантажівка M52A2 is a 5-ton 6×6 tractor that was used by the United States Armed Forces for towing semi-trailers and artillery pieces. It was part of the M39 series of heavy tactical trucks that were designed to transport cargo and personnel over all terrain and weather conditions. The M52A2 Truck was powered by a Continental LDS-465-1A, a turbocharged multifuel engine that could run on gasoline, diesel, or other fuels.
У 201 M52A2 Truck had a 5-speed transmission with a 2-range transfer case, and could reach a maximum speed of 52 mph (84 km/h). The M52A2 Truck had a cab-over-engine design with a tilting hood for easy access to the engine compartment. The M52A2 Truck had a fifth wheel coupling for attaching semi-trailers, and a hydraulic winch for self-recovery or pulling other vehicles. The M52A2 Truck was widely used in the Vietnam War, where it proved to be a reliable and versatile vehicle. The M52A2 Truck was later replaced by the M818 Truck, which was part of the M809 series of 5-ton 6×6 trucks.

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