Спада XIII


РольБиплан истребитель
Первый полет4 апреля 1917 года

Teh СПАД С.XIII was a French biplane fighter aircraft of the First World War, developed by Société Pour L’Aviation et ses Dérivés (SPAD) from the earlier and highly successful SPAD S.VII. During early 1917, the French designer Louis Béchereau, spurred by the approaching obsolescence of the S.VII, decided to develop two new fighter aircraft, the S.XII and the S.XIII, both utilizing a powerful new geared version of the successful Hispano-Suiza 8A engine. The cannon armament of the S.XII was unpopular with most pilots, but the S.XIII proved to be one of the most capable fighters of the war, as well as one of the most-produced, with 8,472 built and orders for around 10,000 more cancelled at the Armistice

Источник: SPAD S.XIII в Википедии
SPAD XIII C.1 Walk Around
PhotographerMark Kubes
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Spad XIII C.1 Walk Around
ФотографMeindert de Vreeze

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Spad XIII Walk Around

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Teh СПАД С.XIII was a French biplane fighter aircraft of World War I, developed by Société Pour L’Aviation et ses Dérivés (SPAD) from the earlier highly successful SPAD S.VII. It was one of the most capable fighters of the war, and one of the most-produced, with 8,472 built and orders for around 10,000 more cancelled at the armistice.
The SPAD S.XIII differed from its predecessor by having a more powerful engine, a twin Викерс machine gun armament, and a slightly larger wingspan. The new engine gave the aircraft a better speed and climb rate, making it a match for the latest German fighters. The twin guns increased the firepower and reliability, as the single gun on the S.VII often jammed. The larger wingspan improved the handling and stability, but also increased the weight and reduced the agility.
НА SPAD S.XIII летали многие известные асы, как французские, так и союзные, такие как Жорж Гинемер, Рене Фонк, Чарльз Нунгессер, Эдди Рикенбакер и Франческо Баракка. Он также использовался несколькими военно-воздушными силами после войны, включая Бельгию, Бразилию, Чехословакию, Финляндию, Грецию, Японию, Польшу, Португалию, Румынию, Сиам, Испанию и Югославию. Он оставался на вооружении до конца 1920-х годов.

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