Твин 40мм GMC M19
M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage
РольСамоходное зенитное оружие
В эксплуатации1945–1953

Teh M19 Многояструйный моторный лафет (MGMC) was a World War II United States Army self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon on the M24 light tank chassis. It was equipped with two Bofors 40 mm (1.6 in) guns. It was produced by Cadillac and Massey-Ferguson of Canada near the end of 1944. The M19 was developed from the T65 which was based on the M5 light tank chassis. The original design was improved upon and designated the T65E1. It was accepted into service in May 1944 as the M19 MGMC, equipping several U.S. Army anti-aircraft units during World War II. The M19A1 was an improved variant with an auxiliary engine and spare barrels for the 40 mm Bofors guns.

Источник: M19 Многоцеловой моторный лафет в Википедии

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Дополнительная информация:

Teh M19 Многояструйный моторный лафет was a self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon developed by the United States during World War II. It was based on the chassis of the M24 Chaffee light tank and armed with two 40 mm Bofors guns mounted in an open-topped turret. The M19 was intended to provide mobile air defense for armored units, but it also proved effective against ground targets such as infantry, light vehicles, and bunkers.
M19 был разработан в 1943 году в качестве замены более ранних полугусеничных вариантов M13 и M16, которые имели меньшую подвижность и огневую мощь. M19 использовал ту же башню, что и M42 Duster, который был разработан позже во время войны. Экипаж M19 состоял из шести человек: командира, механика-водителя, наводчика, заряжающего и двух обработчиков боеприпасов. Машина несла 352 снаряда калибра 40 мм в обоймах по четыре штуки. Орудия могли поворачиваться на 360 градусов и подниматься от -5 до +85 градусов. M19 имел максимальную скорость 35 миль в час (56 км / ч) и дальность полета 150 миль (240 км).
Teh М19 entered service in late 1944 and saw action in the European and Pacific theaters. It was especially useful in the Battle of the Bulge, where it helped counter the German Luftwaffe attacks on Allied supply lines. The M19 also supported the amphibious landings in the Philippines and Okinawa, where it engaged both aircraft and kamikaze boats. After the war, the M19 remained in service with the US Army until 1953, when it was replaced by the M42 Duster. Some M19s were also exported to other countries, such as France, Belgium, and South Korea.

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