파이퍼 PA-34-200T 세네카 II

Piper PA-34 Seneca

역할비즈니스 및 개인 항공기
첫 비행25 April 1967

Tthe 파이퍼 PA-34 세네카 is a twin-engined light aircraft, produced in the United States by Piper Aircraft. It has been in non-continuous production since 1971. The Seneca is primarily used for personal and business flying.

소스: Piper PA-34 Seneca on Wikipedia
Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II Walk Around
사진 작가 블라디미르 야쿠보프
로컬라이제이션 Hayward Airport Open House 2013
사진 87
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참고 항목:

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Tthe 파이퍼 PA-34 세네카 is a twin-engine, six-seater general aviation aircraft. It is known for its combination of performance, efficiency, and comfort, making it a popular choice for business and private travel.

The Seneca has a low-wing design with two reciprocating engines mounted on the wings. It has a spacious cabin with comfortable seating for six passengers. The aircraft is also equipped with a variety of avionics systems to enhance safety and navigation.

Here are some of the key features of the Piper PA-34 Seneca:

  • 안전성 및 이중화 향상을 위한 트윈 엔진 설계
  • 6명의 승객을 수용할 수 있는 넓은 객실
  • Excellent performance for its class, with a cruising speed of over 200 knots (370 km/h)
  • Long range, making it suitable for cross-country travel
  • 다양한 조종사의 요구 사항을 충족할 수 있는 다양한 항공 전자 시스템

If you are looking for a twin-engine aircraft that offers a good balance of performance, efficiency, and comfort, then the Piper PA-34 Seneca is a great option to consider.

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