마즈 - 543 스쿠드 B


역할전문 캐리어 차량
입력된 서비스1962

Tthe 마즈 - 543/MAZ-7310 "우라간"(러시아어: МАЗ-543/МАЗ-7310 "Ураган"/허리케인)은 현재 벨로루시에서 MAZ(민스크 자동차 공장)가 설계하고 개발한 소련/벨로루시 8×8 포병 트럭입니다.

소스: MAZ-543 위키백과에
MAZ-543 SCUD B TEL Walk Around
PhotographerTim Roberts
잠깐, 당신을 위해 MAZ-543을 검색 ...

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MAZ-543 Scud Missile TEL Walk Around
사진 작가Michael Benolkin

참고 항목:

World War II: The Definitive Visual History from Blitzkrieg to the Atom Bomb(DK Definitive Visual Histories) - 아마존 지도별 제2차 세계 대전 지도(DK History Map by Map) - 아마존

관련 키트:

1/35 SS-1C Scud-B(MAZ-543 포함) - 아마존

더 많은 정보:

Tthe 마즈 - 543 is a heavy-duty 8×8 truck that was developed by MAZ (Minsk Automobile Plant) in the 1960s, based on the previous MAZ-537 tractor. The MAZ-543 was used as a transporter erector launcher for various missile and rocket systems, such as the Scud, Smerch and S-300. The MAZ-543 was also adapted for civilian purposes, such as airport fire-fighting, oil exploration and crane operations. The MAZ-543 has a 38.9 liter diesel engine that produces 525 horsepower and a maximum speed of 60 km/h. The MAZ-543 has a four-person cab and a payload capacity of up to 25 tons. The MAZ-543 has several variants, such as the MAZ-7310, MAZ-74106 and MAZ-7910, with different configurations and applications.

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