Lokid P-2 Neptun (označen kao P2V od strane mornarice Sjedinjenih Država pre septembra 1962) bio je pomorska patrola i protiv-podmorničko ratovanje (ASW). Razvijen je za američku mornaricu od strane Lokida da zameni Lokid PV-1 Ventura i PV-2 Harpun, a zauzvrat ga je zamenio Lokid P-3 Orion. Neptun, dizajniran kao kopneni avion, nikada nije sleteo sa nosača aviona, iako je mali broj aviona pretvoren i raspoređen kao nosač lansiranih nuklearnih bombardera koji će morati da se otkače ili oporave u kopnenim bazama. Taj tip je bio uspešan u izvozu i video je službu sa nekoliko oružanih snaga.
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Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune Walk Around
Bil Maloni
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AP-2H Neptune ‘Napalm Nellie’ Walk Around
Fotios Rouch
Više informacija:
Čaj Lokid P-2 Neptunwas a versatile and long-lived aircraft that served in various roles and countries for over four decades. It was designed by Lockheed as a land-based maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft for the US Navy, replacing the older PV-1 Ventura and PV-2 Harpoon models. The P-2 Neptune first flew in 1945 and entered service in 1947, with a total of 1,177 units built until 1956. The P-2 Neptune had a distinctive feature of having both piston and jet engines, which gave it extra power and speed when needed.
Čaj P-2 Neptunewas used in several conflicts, such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Beagle conflict and the Falklands War, performing reconnaissance, surveillance, bombing, gunship and electronic warfare missions. The P-2 Neptune was also exported to several allies of the US, such as Japan, Australia, Canada, France, Netherlands and Argentina. The P-2 Neptune was eventually replaced by the more advanced Lockheed P-3 Orion in the 1960s and 1970s, but some of them remained in service until the 1980s or even later as firebombers or research aircraft.