Gepard 1A2 | |
Zemlja | Zapadna Nemačka |
Ulogu | Samohodni protivavioni pištolj |
Izgradio | Nepoznato |
Čaj Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard ("protivavioni topovski tenk Gepard", poznatiji kao Flakpanzer Gepard) je svevremeno sposoban nemački protivavioncijski pištolj (SPAAG). Razvijena je šezdesetih godina prošlog veka i fildovana sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka, a nekoliko puta je unapređena najnovijom elektronikom. On je predstavljao kamen temeljac protivdušne odbrane nemačke vojske (Bundeswehr) i niz drugih zemalja NATO-a. U Nemačkoj, Gepard je postepeno ukinut krajem 2010.
Izvor: Gepard 1A2 na Vikipediji
Gepard 1A2 Walk Around | |
Fotograf | Gino Marcomini |
Lokalizacija | Nepoznato |
Fotografije | 31 |

Srodni kompleti:
Flakpanzer Gepard A1-B2L Walk Around | |
Fotograf | Nepoznato |
Lokalizacija | Nepoznato |
Fotografije | 27 |
Pronađi komplete na eBay-u:
Gepard B2 Walk Around | |
Fotograf | Unknow |
Lokalizacija | Nepoznato |
Fotografije | 43 |
Pogledajte i:

Čaj Gepard 1A2 is a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG) developed by West Germany in the 1970s. It is based on the Leopard 1 tank chassis and armed with two 35 mm Oerlikon KDA autocannons and four Stinger surface-to-air missiles. The Gepard 1A2 is designed to provide all-weather air defence against low-flying aircraft, helicopters and drones. It has a sophisticated radar system that can detect and track targets up to 15 km away and guide the fire of the cannons and missiles. The Gepard 1A2 is powered by a 10-cylinder multi-fuel engine that gives it a maximum speed of 65 km/h and an operational range of 550 km. The Gepard 1A2 has been used by several NATO countries, including Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Romania. It has also been exported to Jordan, Brazil, Qatar and Ukraine. The Gepard 1A2 is considered one of the most advanced SPAAGs in the world.
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