Protivavioni pištolj 37mm

Protivavioni pištolj 37mm

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TipPištolj protiv vazdušne odbrane

37 mm automatski pištolj za protivdušnu odbranu M1939 (61-K) (ruski: 37-март автоматическая зенитная пушка обраница 1939 година (61-К)) je bio protivavioni pištolj kalibra 37 mm razvijen krajem tridesetih godina prošlog veka i korišćen tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Kopnenu verziju je u sovjetskoj službi zamenio ZSU-57-2 tokom pedesetih godina prošlog veka. Pištolji ovog tipa uspešno su korišćeni širom Istočnog fronta protiv ronilačkih bombardera i drugih ciljeva na niskim i srednjim visinama. Takođe je imao neku korisnost protiv lagano oklopljenih kopnenih ciljeva. Posade AD pištolja od 37 mm oborile su 14.657 aviona Osovine. Znači količina municije od 37 mm za oborenje jednog neprijateljskog aviona bila je 905 metaka.

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Drugi svetski rat: Definitivna vizuelna istorija od Blickriga do Atomske bombe (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon Mapa iz Drugog svetskog rata po mapi (mapa istorije DK po mapi) - Amazon

Više informacija:

Čaj 37mm anti-aircraft gun was a type of weapon used by various countries during World War II. It was designed to shoot down enemy aircraft at low to medium altitudes, using high-explosive or armor-piercing shells. The 37mm caliber was chosen because it offered a good balance between weight, muzzle velocity, rate of fire, and accuracy. Different models of 37mm anti-aircraft guns were produced by Germany, the United States, Romania, and the Soviet Union, each with their own characteristics and performance. Some of the most notable examples are:
– The 3.7 cm Flak 18/36/37, developed by Rheinmetall in Germany, was a fully automatic gas-operated cannon that could fire up to 160 rounds per minute. It had a three-legged platform mount that allowed 360 degrees of traverse and a maximum elevation of 85 degrees. It was used by the German army and air force, as well as by Romania and Bulgaria. – The 37 mm gun M1, developed by John M. Browning and Colt in the United States, was an anti-aircraft autocannon that could fire up to 120 rounds per minute. It had a four-wheeled trailer mount that allowed 360 degrees of traverse and a maximum elevation of 90 degrees. It was used by the US army and navy, as well as mounted on half-tracks and PT boats. – The 37 mm automatic air defense gun M1939 (61-K), developed by the Soviet Union, was an anti-aircraft autocannon that could fire up to 80 rounds per minute. It had a two-wheeled carriage mount that allowed 360 degrees of traverse and a maximum elevation of 85 degrees. It was used by the Soviet army and navy, as well as by China and North Korea. – The 37 mm gun M3, developed by the United States, was the first dedicated anti-tank gun fielded by US forces in numbers. It could fire up to 25 rounds per minute, using armor-piercing shells that could penetrate up to 25 mm of sloped armor at 500 yards. It had a split-trail carriage mount that allowed 60 degrees of traverse and a maximum elevation of 15 degrees. It was used by the US army and marines, as well as by Britain and France.
The 37mm anti-aircraft gun played an important role in Drugi svetski rat, providing air defense and ground support for various armies and navies. It was effective against low-flying aircraft, light tanks, armored vehicles, and infantry targets. However, it also faced limitations such as limited range, low accuracy at high altitudes, vulnerability to counter-battery fire, and obsolescence due to the development of more powerful guns and faster aircraft.

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