Severoamerický trójsky kôň T-28

KrajinySpojené štáty americké
TypTrenažérové lietadlo / Ľahký útok
Počet vstavaných1948

Komisia Severoamerické letectvo T-28 trójsky kôň Je vojenské cvičné lietadlo s piestovým motorom, ktoré od roku 1950 používalo letectvo Spojených štátov amerických a námorníctvo Spojených štátov amerických. Okrem použitia ako trenažér bol T-28 úspešne použitý ako protipovstalecké lietadlo, predovšetkým počas vojny vo Vietname. Pokračoval v civilnom používaní ako akrobatický a warbirdský umelec.

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Severoamerický trójsky kôň T-28B chodiť okolo
FotografVladimír Jakubov
LokalizáciaUSS Hornet, Alameda
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T-28C trójsky kôň
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North American T-28B Trojan Walk Around
FotografCees Hendriks
Viac info:

Komisia Severoamerický trójsky kôň T-28 was a radial-engine military trainer aircraft manufactured by North American Aviation and used by the United States Air Force and United States Navy beginning in the 1950s. It was designed to replace the T-6 Texan, which had been used for basic and advanced training since the 1930s. The T-28 had a more powerful engine, a tricycle landing gear, and a steerable nose wheel, which made it easier to handle on the ground and more suitable for carrier operations.
The T-28 had three main variants: the T-28A, which was used by the Air Force and had a 800 hp Wright R-1300 engine and a two-blade propeller; the T-28B, which was used by the Navy and had a 1,425 hp Wright R-1820 engine and a three-blade propeller; and the T-28C, which was similar to the T-28B but had a tailhook and a shorter propeller for carrier landing. The T-28 was also modified for various roles, such as light attack, counter-insurgency, observation, and general aviation.
Komisia T-28 was widely exported to many countries, such as France, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Morocco, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. It saw combat action in several conflicts, such as the Algerian War, the Vietnam War, the Laotian Civil War, the Cambodian Civil War, and the Bay of Pigs Invasion. The T-28 was retired from U.S. military service in the early 1980s, but continued to fly in civilian use as an aerobatics and warbird performer. The T-28 is considered one of the most successful and versatile trainer aircraft ever produced.

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