Boeing X-45A

Boeing X-45

LandNorge , Norge
RolleUbemannet kampluftfartøy
Første flytur22 May 2002

Den Boeing X-45 unmanned combat air vehicle is a concept demonstrator for a next generation of completely autonomous military aircraft, developed by Boeing’s Phantom Works. Manufactured by Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, the X-45 was a part of DARPA’s J-UCAS project.

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Boeing X-45A går rundt
Fotograf Vladimir Yakubov
LokaliseringNasjonalt luft- og rommuseum, Washington DC
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Boeing X-45A J-UCAS går rundt
Fotograf Vladimir Yakubov
LokaliseringNasjonalmuseet i USAF

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Mer info:

Den Boeing X-45 is an unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) developed by Boeing Phantom Works for the United States Air Force and Navy. It is a stealthy, jet-powered aircraft that can perform various missions, such as reconnaissance, surveillance, target acquisition, electronic warfare, and strike. The X-45 was designed to operate autonomously or in coordination with other UCAVs and manned aircraft, using artificial intelligence and advanced communication systems.
The X-45 made its first flight in 2002 and completed several successful demonstrations until 2006, when the program was terminated. The X-45 was one of the pioneers of UCAV technology and paved the way for future developments in this field.

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