Compositi in scala modello 348

Scaled Composites Model 348

RuoloPortaspazio volante
Primo volo21 dicembre 2008

Le Compositi in scala modello 348 White Knight Two (WK2) is a quadjet cargo aircraft that is used to lift the SpaceShipTwo spacecraft to release altitude. It was developed by Scaled Composites from 2007 to 2010 as the first stage of Tier 1b, a two-stage to suborbital-space manned launch system. WK2 is based on the successful mothership to SpaceShipOne, White Knight, which itself is based on Proteus. With an “open architecture” design and explicit plans for multi-purpose use, the aircraft could also operate as a zero-g aircraft for passenger training or microgravity science flights, handle missions in high-altitude testing more generally, or be used to launch payloads other than SpaceShipTwo. A study of use of the aircraft as a forest fire water bomber has also been mentioned, one that would utilize a large carbon composite water tank that could be quickly replenished to make repeat runs over fires.

fonte: Scaled Composites Model 348 su Wikipedia

Scaled Composites Model 348 WhiteKnightTwo Walk Around
PhotographerVladimir Yakubov
LocalisationEdwards Air Force Base Air Show
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Per saperne di più:

Le Compositi in scala modello 348 is a twin-fuselage aircraft designed and built by Scaled Composites, a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman. The aircraft is intended to serve as a carrier for the Stratolaunch air launch system, which aims to launch orbital rockets from high altitude. The Model 348 has a wingspan of 117 m (385 ft), making it the largest aircraft by wingspan ever flown. It is powered by six Pratt & Whitney PW4056 turbofan engines, each producing 252 kN (56,750 lbf) of thrust.
The aircraft can carry a payload of up to 250,000 kg (550,000 lb) and has a maximum takeoff weight of 589,670 kg (1.3 million lb). The Model 348 made its first flight on April 13, 2019, and has since performed several test flights to evaluate its performance and handling characteristics. The aircraft is expected to begin launching rockets in the mid-2020s, with the first customer being Orbital ATK, which plans to use the Stratolaunch system to launch its Pegasus XL rockets.

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