EKW C-35

EKW C-35

RooliTiedustelu- ja maahyökkäyslentokoneet
Ensimmäinen lento1930-luku

Nniiden EKW C-35 was a 1930s Swiss two-seat reconnaissance biplane aircraft built by the Swiss Federal Construction Works (Eidgenoessische Konstruktionswerkstaette, K+W), Thun. Two aircraft were designed by the Eidgenössische Konstruktions Werkstätte to replace the Fokker C.Ve which the Swiss Air Force were using. The two projects were the EKW C-35 biplane and the EKW C-36 monoplane. After evaluation the air force ordered 40 C-35s in 1936. Additional aircraft were built from spares. The C-35 was a two-seat biplane with fixed tailwheel landing gear and conventional tail unit. The aircraft was powered by a Hispano-Suiza HS-77 V-12 piston engine (licence-built Hispano-Suiza 12Ycrs).

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Nniiden EKW C-35 was a Swiss reconnaissance-bomber aircraft that saw service during World War II. It was a development of the earlier EKW C-36, which had a fixed landing gear and a radial engine. The C-35 had a retractable landing gear and a more powerful inline engine, which improved its performance and range. The C-35 was armed with two 7.5 mm machine guns in the nose and one in the rear cockpit, as well as up to 300 kg of bombs under the wings.
The C-35 was used by the Swiss Air Force for aerial photography, artillery spotting, and bombing missions against enemy targets. The C-35 also participated in several air battles with German and Allied fighters, proving to be agile and robust. The C-35 remained in service until 1954, when it was replaced by jet-powered aircraft.

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