EKW C-35 | |
Riik | Šveitsi |
Rolli | Luure- ja maapealsed ründelennukid |
Esimene lend | 1930. aastad |
Ehitatud | 90 |
2007 EKW C-35 was a 1930s Swiss two-seat reconnaissance biplane aircraft built by the Swiss Federal Construction Works (Eidgenoessische Konstruktionswerkstaette, K+W), Thun. Two aircraft were designed by the Eidgenössische Konstruktions Werkstätte to replace the Fokker C.Ve which the Swiss Air Force were using. The two projects were the EKW C-35 biplane and the EKW C-36 monoplane. After evaluation the air force ordered 40 C-35s in 1936. Additional aircraft were built from spares. The C-35 was a two-seat biplane with fixed tailwheel landing gear and conventional tail unit. The aircraft was powered by a Hispano-Suiza HS-77 V-12 piston engine (licence-built Hispano-Suiza 12Ycrs).
Allikas: EKW C-35 Vikipeedias
EKW C-35 Walk Around | |
Fotograaf | Ales Pavias |
Lokaliseerimine | Teadmata |
Fotod | 13 |

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2007 EKW C-35 was a Swiss reconnaissance-bomber aircraft that saw service during World War II. It was a development of the earlier EKW C-36, which had a fixed landing gear and a radial engine. The C-35 had a retractable landing gear and a more powerful inline engine, which improved its performance and range. The C-35 was armed with two 7.5 mm machine guns in the nose and one in the rear cockpit, as well as up to 300 kg of bombs under the wings.
Šveitsi õhujõud kasutasid C-35 aerofotograafiaks, suurtükiväe märkamiseks ja pommitamismissioonideks vaenlase sihtmärkide vastu. C-35 osales ka mitmetes õhulahingutes Saksa ja liitlaste hävitajatega, osutudes väledaks ja tugevaks. C-35 jäi kasutusele kuni 1954. aastani, mil see asendati reaktiivmootoriga lennukitega.
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