DAF YA 328

DAF YA 328

PapelCamión militar de servicio medio
En servicio1951+

A lo largo de la década de 1950, DAF fue un importante proveedor para el reequipamiento de los vehículos de piel blanda del ejército holandés, con modelos como el DAF YA-126 y DAF YA-328 'Dikke Daf'. Éstos utilizaron toda la impulsión de rueda H-conduzca desarrollado de las conversiones de Trado.

Fuente: DAF YA 328 en Wikipedia

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Más información:

el DAF YA 328 is a military truck that was developed by the Dutch company DAF in the late 1940s. It was designed to meet the requirements of the Dutch army for a versatile and reliable vehicle that could operate in various terrains and climates. The DAF YA 328 has a distinctive appearance, with a forward control cab and a three-axle chassis. The truck is powered by a 5.7-liter petrol engine that delivers 120 horsepower and can reach a top speed of 80 km/h.
The truck can carry up to 3.5 tons of cargo or 18 soldiers, and can tow a trailer or a gun. The DAF YA 328 was used by the Dutch army in various missions and conflicts, such as the Korean War, the Indonesian National Revolution, and the Congo Crisis. The truck was also exported to several countries, such as Belgium, Norway, Suriname, and Indonesia. The DAF YA 328 is considered to be one of the most successful military trucks of its era, and many of them are still in use today by collectors and enthusiasts.

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