Сикорски ДЖРС-1

Сикорски ДЖРС-1

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1. Сикорски С-43 was a twin-engine amphibious aircraft manufactured in United States during the 1930s by the American firm Sikorsky Aircraft. The S-43 first flew in 1935, and was a smaller version of the Sikorsky S-42 “Clipper”. It accommodated between 18 and 25 passengers, with a separate two-crew forward cockpit. The S-43 was known as the “Baby Clipper” in airline service. On April 14, 1936, an S-43 with a 500 kilograms (1,100 lb) payload, piloted by Boris Sergievsky, set an altitude record for amphibious aircraft when it reached an altitude of 27,950 feet above Stamford, Connecticut. Also aboard was designer Igor Sikorsky. In total, approximately 53 S-43s were built, including examples of the twin-tailed S-43B
Източник: Sikorsky JRS-1 в Уикипедия
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1. Сикорски ДЖРС-1 was a twin-engine amphibious flying boat that served in the U.S. Navy and other operators in the 1930s and 1940s. It was a smaller version of the Sikorsky S-42 “Clipper” that was used by Pan American Airways for transoceanic flights. The JRS-1 had a crew of two and could carry up to 25 passengers or cargo. It had a wingspan of 26.2 meters (86 feet) and a length of 15.8 meters (51 feet 11 inches). It was powered by two Pratt & Whitney R-1690 radial engines, each producing 559.3 kilowatts (750 horsepower).
The JRS-1 was designed by Igor Sikorsky, a pioneer of aviation and helicopter development. He also piloted the JRS-1 when it set an altitude record for amphibious aircraft on April 14, 1936, reaching 8,520 meters (27,950 feet) over Stamford, Connecticut. The JRS-1 was known as the “Baby Clipper” in airline service, and was used by Pan American for flights to Cuba and within Latin America. Other civilian operators included Hawaiian Airlines, Norwegian Airline Det Norske Luftfartselskap, Panair do Brasil, French company Aéromaritime, and private owners such as William Kissam Vanderbilt II and Howard Hughes.
The U.S. Navy purchased 17 JRS-1s between 1937 and 1939, two of which served with the U.S. Marine Corps. The JRS-1s were used for transport and patrol missions, and some were equipped with depth charges and machine guns for anti-submarine warfare. One of the most notable JRS-1s was the one that survived the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. It was one of the few aircraft that managed to take off during the attack, and later participated in the search for the Japanese fleet. It is now preserved at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum as the only aircraft in the national collection that was stationed at Pearl Harbor on that fateful day.
1. ДЖРС-1 was a versatile and reliable aircraft that demonstrated Sikorsky’s engineering skills and vision. It was one of the last flying boats to be produced by Sikorsky before he focused on developing helicopters. The JRS-1 was also one of the last examples of the golden age of flying boats, when they were seen as the future of air travel across oceans and continents.

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