Дъглас А-26Б нашественик

Дъглас А-26 Нашественик

Първи полет10 юли 1942 г.

Фото галерия на Дъглас А-26 Нашественик, The Douglas A-26 Invader (designated B-26 between 1948 and 1965) is a twin-engined light bomber and ground attack aircraft that was built by Douglas Aircraft Company during World War II which also saw service during several major Cold War conflicts. A limited number of highly modified United States Air Force aircraft served in Southeast Asia until 1969. It was a fast aircraft capable of carrying twice its specified bomb load. A range of guns could be fitted to produce a formidable ground-attack aircraft. A re-designation of the type from A-26 to B-26 led to confusion with the Martin B-26 Marauder, which first flew in November 1940, about 16 months before the Douglas design’s maiden flight. Although both types were powered by the widely used Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp eighteen-cylinder, double-row radial engine, they were completely different and separate designs — the Martin bomber originated in 1939, with roughly twice as many Marauders (nearly 5,300) produced in comparison to the Douglas design.

Източник: Дъглас А-26 Нашественик в Уикипедия

Douglas A-26 Invader
ФотографВладимир Якубов
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Douglas A-26C Invader
СнимкаВладимир Якубов
НамеритеМузей на въздуха в Палм Спрингс, Палм Спрингс
ОписаниеАлбум на 170 снимки разходка около а «Дъглас А-26C нашественик»
Role : ground attack & light bomber Manufacturer : Douglas Aircraft Company First flight : 10 July 1942 Retired : 1980 Colombian Air Force Primary users : -United States Army Air Forces -United States Air Force -United States Navy -French Air Force Number built : 2.452
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Douglas A-26C Invader Walk Around
ФотографСейс Хендрикс
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Douglas A-26C Invader Walk Around
ФотографСейс Хендрикс
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Douglas A-26B Invader Walk Around
ФотографМейндерт дьо Вризе
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B-26C Invader Walk Around
ФотографМайкъл Бенолкин
ЛокализацияМузей USAF
Повече информация:

1. Дъглас А-26 Нашественик was a twin-engine light bomber and attack aircraft that served in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. It was designed by Ed Heinemann and first flew in July 1942. The A-26 was capable of carrying a variety of weapons, including bombs, rockets, machine guns, and cannons. It had a crew of three: pilot, navigator/bombardier, and gunner. The A-26 was fast, maneuverable, and versatile, and earned a reputation as a reliable and effective combat aircraft. It was also one of the longest-serving aircraft in US military history, with some variants still in use until the late 1960s.

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