Embraer KC-390

Embraer C-390 Millennium

UloguTransportni avioni srednje veličine

Čaj Embraer C-390 Millennium je vojni transportni avion srednje veličine, dvomotornog mlaznog pogona u proizvodnji od strane brazilskog proizvođača vazdušnog prostora Embraer, sposoban da izvrši dopunu goriva iz vazduha i da prevozi teret i trupe. To je najteži avion koji je kompanija do danas napravila, a moći će da preveze do 26 tona (29 tona) tereta, uključujući oklopna borbena vozila na točkovima.

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Rollout Embraer KC-390 Walk Around
FotografGino Marcomini
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Više informacija:

The Embraer C-390 Millennium is a medium-sized transport aircraft that can perform various missions such as cargo and troop transport, aerial refueling, and firefighting. It is designed and produced by the Brazilian aerospace company Embraer, and it is the heaviest aircraft they have ever built. The C-390 Millennium is powered by two IAE V2500 turbofan engines, and can carry up to 26 tons of payload. It can also air drop loads of up to 19 tons.
The C-390 Millennium has a modern avionics system, a fly-by-wire control system, and a self-defense system. It can operate in austere environments, with short takeoff and landing distances. The C-390 Millennium is a competitor of the Lockheed C-130 Hercules, but it has higher speed, lower operating costs, and greater flexibility. The C-390 Millennium was first flown in 2015, and entered service with the Brazilian Air Force in 2019. It has also been ordered by the Portuguese Air Force, the Hungarian Air Force, and the Royal Netherlands Air Force. The C-390 Millennium is a versatile and reliable aircraft that can meet the needs of various customers around the world.

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