BM-21 Grad na URAL 4320

BM-21 Grad

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V BM-21 "Grad" (rusko БМ-21 "Grad", lit. "toča") je sovjetski tovornjak montira 122 mm več raketni izstrelek. Sistem orožja in raketa M-21OF, ki jo izstreli, sta se razvila v začetku 60- tih let in sta v marcu 1969 v času mejnega spopada Sino-Sovjetske zveze videla svojo prvo bojno uporabo. BM pomeni boyevaya mashina (rusko: боевая машина – bojno vozilo), vzdevek grad pa pomeni "toča". Celoten sistem z izstrelitvenim vozilom BM-21 in raketo M-21OF je določen kot M-21 terensko raketni sistem

Vir: BM-21 Grad na Wikipediji

BM-21 Grad on URAL 4320 Chassis Walk Around
FotografJurij Pasholok
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ICM 72707 - Plastic Military Vehicle BM-21 'Grad', Vehicle Model MLRS of The Armed Forces of Ukraine - Scale 1:72
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See also:

World War II: The Definitive Visual History from Blitzkrieg to the Atom Bomb (DK Definitive Visual Histories) - Amazon World War II Map by Map (DK History Map by Map) - Amazon

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Več informacij:

The BM-21 Grad is a multiple rocket launcher system that was developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s. It fires 122 mm rockets that can reach targets up to 52 km away. The BM-21 Grad is mounted on a 6×6 truck chassis that can travel on various terrains. The BM-21 Grad has been used in many conflicts around the world, such as the Vietnam War, the Iran-Iraq War, the Syrian Civil War and the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War. The BM-21 Grad is a powerful and versatile weapon that can deliver a large amount of firepower in a short time.

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