Campana P-59A Airacomet

Campana P-59A Airacomet

Paese Usa
Ruolo Combattente
Primo volo 1 ottobre 1942
Costruito 66
Le Bell P-59 Airacomet era un aereo da caccia bimotore a reazione, il primo degli Stati Uniti, progettato e costruito dalla Bell Aircraft durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Le United States Army Air Forces non furono impressionate dalle sue prestazioni e annullarono il contratto quando meno della metà degli aerei ordinati erano stati prodotti. Sebbene nessun P-59 sia entrato in combattimento, il caccia ha aperto la strada a un'altra generazione di velivoli statunitensi a turbogetto, ed è stato il primo caccia turbogetto ad avere il suo motore a turbogetto e le gondole di aspirazione dell'aria integrate all'interno della fusoliera principale.
fonte: Bell P-59A Airacomet su Wikipedia
Bell P-59A Airacomet Walk Around
Fotografo Cees Hendriks
Localizzazione Inconsapevole
Foto 51
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The Bell P-59A Airacomet was the first American jet fighter aircraft to enter service during World War II. It was designed and built by Bell Aircraft Corporation in response to a British request for a jet-powered fighter. The P-59A had a twin-engine design with a single-seat cockpit and a tricycle landing gear. The aircraft was armed with one 37 mm cannon and three 12.7 mm machine guns in the nose.
The P-59A made its first flight on October 1, 1942, and was delivered to the US Army Air Forces in 1943. However, the performance of the P-59A was disappointing compared to the German and British jet fighters, and it was soon relegated to training and experimental roles. The P-59A was never used in combat, and only 66 units were produced. The P-59A was retired from service in 1949, and most of them were scrapped or donated to museums. The P-59A Airacomet was an important milestone in the development of American jet aviation, but it was also a technological dead end that did not influence the design of later jet fighters.

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