Lockheed P-3C Orion

Lockheed P-3 Orion

Maa Yhdysvallat
Rooli Merivartiolentokoneet
Ensimmäinen lento Marraskuu 1959
Rakennettu 650

Nniiden Lockheed P-3 Orion on Yhdysvaltain laivastolle kehitetty ja 1960-luvulla esitelty nelimoottorinen potkuriturbiini sukellusveneiden ja merivalvontalentokone. Lockheed perusti sen L-188 Electra -kaupalliseen lentokoneessa. Ilma-alus erottuu Electrasta helposti sen erottuvalla hännänpistimällä tai "MAD Boomilla", jota käytetään sukellusveneiden magneettiseen havaitsemiseen.

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The Lockheed P-3 Orion is a four-engine turboprop aircraft that was designed for maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare missions. It is derived from the Lockheed L-188 Electra, a commercial airliner that was not very successful due to the emergence of jet-powered competitors. The P-3 Orion has a distinctive tail boom that houses a magnetic anomaly detector (MAD) for locating submerged submarines. It also has a bomb bay and wing hardpoints for carrying various weapons and sensors.
The P-3 Orion first flew in 1959 and entered service with the United States Navy in 1962. It replaced the older Lockheed P2V Neptune and Martin P5M Marlin aircraft that were powered by piston engines. The P-3 Orion has undergone several upgrades and modifications over the years, enhancing its electronics and capabilities. It can carry missiles, torpedoes, bombs, sonobuoys, and other equipment for detecting and attacking surface and underwater targets.
The P-3 Orion is still in active service with several navies and air forces around the world, despite being over 60 years old. It has proven to be a versatile and reliable platform for maritime surveillance, reconnaissance, anti-surface warfare, and anti-submarine warfare. It has also been used for other roles such as scientific research, environmental monitoring, drug interdiction, and humanitarian assistance. The P-3 Orion is expected to remain in operation until at least 2035, when it will be gradually replaced by newer aircraft such as the Boeing P-8 Poseidon.

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