Hiller HJ-1 Hornet | |
Roli | Experimentální vrtulník |
První let | 1950 |
Postaven | 18 |
Tá Hiller YH-32 Hornet (company designation HJ-1) was an American ultralight helicopter built by Hiller Aircraft in the early 1950s. It was a small and unique design because it was powered by two Hiller 8RJ2B ramjet engines mounted on the rotor blade tips which weigh 13lbs each and deliver an equivalent of 45 h.p. for a total of 90 h.p. Versions of the HJ-1 Hornet were built for the United States Army and the United States Navy in the early 1950s. The Hiller Museum identifies the YH-32A, named the Sally Rand, as the first helicopter gunship.
Hiller HJ-1 Hornet Walk Around | |
Photographer | Vladimir Yakubov |
Localisation | Hiller Aviation Museum, San Carlos |
Photos | 36 |

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Tá Hiller HJ-1 Sršeň was an experimental helicopter developed by Hiller Aircraft in the late 1940s. It was powered by two ramjets mounted on the rotor tips, which eliminated the need for a tail rotor and reduced the torque on the fuselage. The HJ-1 was designed to test the feasibility and performance of tip-jet propulsion for helicopters, as well as to explore low-speed aerodynamics and stability issues.
HJ-1 provedl svůj první let v roce 1948 a dosáhl maximální rychlosti 90 mph a dostup 10 000 stop. Systém tip-jet však měl několik nevýhod, jako je vysoká spotřeba paliva, hluk, vibrace a omezená kontrolní pravomoc. HJ-1 byl také náchylný k poruchám motoru a erozi listů rotoru. Projekt byl zrušen v roce 1950 poté, co byly postaveny a testovány pouze dva prototypy. HJ-1 Hornet byl jedním z prvních příkladů proudových vrtulníků, které později používali jiní výrobci, jako Sud Aviation a Fairey Aviation.
Počet zobrazení: 1762