Авия Б-33

Авия Б-33

РоляНаземни щурмови самолети
Първи полет18 April 1944

1. Илюшин Ил-10 was a Soviet ground attack aircraft developed at the end of World War II by the Ilyushin construction bureau. It was also license-built in Czechoslovakia by Avia as the Авия Б-33.

Източник: Avia B-33 в Уикипедия

Avia B-33 Walk Around
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1. Авия Б-33 was a Czechoslovakian ground-attack aircraft that was developed from the Soviet Ilyushin Il-10 in the early 1950s. It was powered by a M-46 radial engine and armed with two 23 mm cannons and two 7.62 mm machine guns in the nose, as well as a 12.7 mm machine gun in the rear cockpit for defense. The B-33 could also carry up to 600 kg of bombs or rockets under its wings.
The B-33 entered service with the Czechoslovak Air Force in 1952 and was used for training and reconnaissance missions until 1960. Some of the B-33s were exported to Poland and Yugoslavia, where they served until the late 1960s. The B-33 was a rugged and reliable aircraft that performed well in low-altitude operations, but it was also obsolete compared to jet fighters that emerged after World War II.

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