Локхийд U-2C-D

Lockheed U-2

Страна Сащ
Роля Височинни разузнавателни самолети
Първи полет 1 August 1955
Построен 1104

1. Локхийд U-2, nicknamed “Dragon Lady”, is an American single-jet engine, ultra-high altitude reconnaissance aircraft operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) and previously flown by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It provides day and night, high-altitude (70,000 feet; 21,000 m), all-weather intelligence gathering. The U-2 has also been used for electronic sensor research, satellite calibration, scientific research, and communications purposes.

Източник: Lockheed U-2 в Уикипедия
Lockheed P2V-7 (SP-2H) Neptune + Cockpit
Фотограф Сейс Хендрикс
Локализация Не знам
Снимки 136
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Hobby Boss - 81740
U-2R дракон дама
Хоби Шеф
Пълен комплект
Клеч за търсене
Lockheed U-2S Senior Year Walk Around
ФотографВладимир Якубов
ЛокализацияCapital City Airshow 2016, Sacramento

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Lockheed U-2C Walk Around
ФотографХауърд Мейсън
ЛокализацияНе знам

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Повече информация:

1. Локхийд U-2 is a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft that was developed by the United States in the 1950s. The U-2 was designed to fly at altitudes above 70,000 feet (21,000 meters), beyond the reach of most Soviet air defenses at the time. The U-2 was used to conduct covert surveillance missions over the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and other countries of interest during the Cold War. The U-2 was also involved in several notable incidents, such as the 1960 U-2 incident, when a U-2 piloted by Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the Soviet Union and captured, and the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when U-2 photographs revealed the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba.
1. U-2 is still in service today, with upgrades and modifications to extend its lifespan and capabilities. The U-2 is operated by the United States Air Force and the Central Intelligence Agency, as well as by NASA for scientific research. The U-2 is one of the most challenging aircraft to fly, requiring special training and equipment for the pilots and ground crews. The U-2 is also one of the most valuable assets for intelligence gathering, providing high-resolution imagery and signals intelligence from around the world.

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