Сд.Кфз.247 Ausf.B


СтранаНацистка Германия
РоляБронирана кола
В експлоатация1937–45
Построен10 (Осф. А), 58 (Ausf. B)

1. Сд.Кфз. е бронирана командна кола, използвана от германските въоръжени сили по време на Втората световна война. Преди войната десет шестколесни модела (Ausf. А) са построени; това е последвано по време на войната от 58 четириколесни модела (Ausf. Б). Правилното име беше schwerer geländegängiger gepanzerter Personenkraftwagen ("Тежко изцяло теренно бронетранспортно превозно средство").

Източник: Sd.Kfz.247 в Уикипедия

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Комплекти свързани:

Модел FPW - TDW001
Сд.Кфз. 247 Осф. B
FPW Модел
Пълен комплект
Клеч за търсене
Бронко - CB35095
Сд.Кфз. 247 Осф. Немска бронирана командна кола
Пълен комплект
Клеч за търсене

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Повече информация:

The Sd.Kfz.247 was a type of armored car used by the German armed forces during World War II. It was designed as a command vehicle for reconnaissance units and had no weapons except for the personal firearms of the crew. There were two versions of the Sd.Kfz.247: the Ausf. A and the Ausf. B.
The Ausf. A was a six-wheeled vehicle based on the Krupp Protze truck chassis. It had an air-cooled four-cylinder engine that gave it a top speed of 70 km/h and a range of 350 km on road. It had an open-top, sloped armored body that could protect against small arms fire. Only ten Ausf. A vehicles were built in 1937.
The Ausf. B was a four-wheeled vehicle based on the s.Pkw. Typ 1c heavy car chassis. It had a water-cooled eight-cylinder engine that gave it a top speed of 80 km/h and a range of 400 km on road. It had a similar open-top, sloped armored body as the Ausf. A, but with improved hull rigidity and access hatches. Some Ausf. B vehicles were fitted with a pintle-mounted machine gun for self-defense. Fifty-eight Ausf. B vehicles were built between 1941 and 1942.

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