地狱之G.哈西斯 - 轰炸希特勒


类型 : 传记和回忆录

科目: 反纳粹运动,暗杀企图,传记,历史
问题: 01/01/2013
编辑 器: 1
出版商: 天马出版
格式: 精装
页面: 240
尺寸: 9.25 x 1.10 x 6.26 在
伊斯BN-10 : 9781616087418
阿辛 : 1616087412
A ticking time-bomb set to blow right under Hitler’s nose . . . will the plan work?Georg Elser was just an ordinary working-class citizen living in Munich, Germany. He was employed as a carpenter and had spent some time working in a watch factory. That all changed when he took it upon himself, without telling his family or friends, to single-handedly attempt to assassinate the most powerful man in all of Germany: the Führer, Adolph Hitler. Elser’s plan was centered on the Munich Beer Hall, where he knew Hitler would be making a speech. Working slowly and in secret, he started to assemble the bomb that he would use to try to kill Hitler. When finished, the bomb was hidden in a hollowed-out space near the speaker’s podium. The bomb went off successfully, killing eight people . . . but Hitler was not one of them. Bombing Hitler is an incredible tale that takes you back to 1939, and recreates the steps that led Elser from the Munich Beer Hall, to his attempted escape across the Swiss border, and sadly, to the concentration camp where his heroic life ended. Hear for the first time the epic and tragic story of a man who stood up for what he knew was right, opposed the most powerful man in Germany, and came close to single-handedly ending the war. 33 b&w photographs
地狱之G.哈西斯 - 轰炸希特勒
轰炸希特勒 Hellmut G Haasis 翻译和签名:William Odom 第 1 版
轰炸希特勒地狱穆特 G 哈西斯乔治埃尔瑟 Hc


赫尔穆特·哈西斯 1942年出生于德国西南部的梅拉克镇。他的研究包括神学、历史学、社会学和政治学。他是作者 约瑟夫·奥本海默,吉南特·朱德·塞:菲南齐尔,弗雷登克,贾斯蒂佐普费尔 在普拉格的托德: 达斯 · 阿滕塔特 · 奥夫 · 赖因哈德 · 海德里希.他还出版了短篇小说、诗歌、戏剧和广播剧,以及一部斯瓦比亚方言小说。他是塔杜斯·特罗尔奖、舒巴特奖和西维斯奖的获得者。威廉·奥多姆 研究在 弗赖·纽弗西特·柏林,1961年进入大学,因为隔离墙的建设开始了。他拥有杜兰大学的德语博士学位。他是作者 德语歌手 和翻译 爵士乐:照片历史 由约阿希姆-恩斯特·贝伦特, 赫斯皮尔:当代德国广播剧集明天我们将在瑞士:拯救拉希勒的孩子 由克劳斯·伊克劳。他当德语教授已经四十多年了。


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