Miles & Atwood Racer

Miles & Atwood Racer

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Miles & Atwood Special — гоночний літак, розроблений у міжвоєнний період.

Джерело: Майлз і Етвуд Рейсер у Вікіпедії

Miles & Atwood Racer Walk Around
ФотографівВолодимир Якубов
ЛокалізацієюМузей літаків слави, Чіно
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Додаткова інформація:

У 201 Miles & Atwood Racer was a single-seat monoplane designed and built by the Miles Aircraft Company in England in 1938. It was intended to compete in the prestigious King’s Cup Race, a popular annual event that attracted many of the best pilots and aircraft of the time. The Racer was a sleek and streamlined machine, with a low-wing configuration and a retractable landing gear. It was powered by a de Havilland Gipsy Six engine that delivered 200 horsepower.
The Racer had a top speed of 230 mph and a range of 600 miles. It was piloted by Alex Henshaw, a famous British aviator who later became a test pilot for the Spitfire fighter. Henshaw won the King’s Cup Race in 1938 with the Racer, setting a new record of 236.25 mph. He also won several other races and air shows with the Racer, making it one of the most successful and admired aircraft of its era.

Переглядів : 882

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