Miles & Atwood Racer

Miles & Atwood Racer


Die Miles & Atwood Special ist ein Rennflugzeug, das in der Zwischenkriegszeit entwickelt wurde.

Quelle: Miles & Atwood Racer auf Wikipedia

Miles & Atwood Racer Walk Around
FotografenWladimir Nikolajewitsch Jakubow
LokalisierungPlanes of Fame Museum
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Mehr Infos:

das Miles & Atwood Racer was a single-seat monoplane designed and built by the Miles Aircraft Company in England in 1938. It was intended to compete in the prestigious King’s Cup Race, a popular annual event that attracted many of the best pilots and aircraft of the time. The Racer was a sleek and streamlined machine, with a low-wing configuration and a retractable landing gear. It was powered by a de Havilland Gipsy Six engine that delivered 200 horsepower.
The Racer had a top speed of 230 mph and a range of 600 miles. It was piloted by Alex Henshaw, a famous British aviator who later became a test pilot for the Spitfire fighter. Henshaw won the King’s Cup Race in 1938 with the Racer, setting a new record of 236.25 mph. He also won several other races and air shows with the Racer, making it one of the most successful and admired aircraft of its era.

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