Breguet Flyg Br.1050 Alize

Bréguet 1050 Alizé

RollAnti-ubåt flygplan
Första flygningen6 October 1956

Den Bréguet Br.1050 Alizé (French: “Tradewind”) was a French carrier-based anti-submarine warfare aircraft. It was developed in the 1950s, based loosely on the second prototype Bréguet Vultur attack aircraft which had been modified into the Bréguet Br.965 Épaulard anti-submarine warfare aircraft.

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Den Breguet 1050 Alizé was a French carrier-based aircraft designed for anti-submarine warfare missions. It first flew in 1956 and entered service with the French Navy in 1959. It was based on the Breguet Vultur, a prototype attack aircraft that was modified into the Breguet Épaulard, an early anti-submarine aircraft. The Alizé had a low-wing monoplane configuration with a single Rolls-Royce Dart turboprop engine and a retractable radar dome under the fuselage. It had a crew of three: a pilot, a radar operator and a sensor operator. It could carry a variety of weapons, including torpedoes, depth charges, rockets and missiles.
The Alizé served on several French aircraft carriers, such as the Arromanches, the Clémenceau and the Foch, until 2000. It also saw combat during the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War, as 12 Alizés were operated by the Indian Navy from the carrier INS Vikrant. The Alizé was a versatile and reliable aircraft that performed well in its role of maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare.

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