Lockheed P-38

Lockheed P-38 Lightning

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Prva muha27 January 1939
V Lockheed P-38 Strela je ameriško batno motorno letalo iz 2. svetovne vojne. P-38 je bil razvit po zahtevah vojaškega korpusa Vojske ZDA, ki je imelo razcvetenje dvojčkov in centralno posodo, ki je vsebovala kokpit in oborožitev. Zalednička propaganda je trdila, da so ga Luftwaffe in "dva letala, en pilot" (2飛-1-1-4-1-2) nad nadimkom Luftwaffe in "dva letala, en pilot" (2飛 -1-4-1,5-1,5 km/h) nad japonskim letalom Hikōki, ippairotto. P-38 je bil uporabljen za prestrezanje, potapljanje, bombardiranje na nivoju, napad na tla, nočne spopade, foto izvide, radarsko in vizualno potapljanje za bombnike in evakuacijske misije ter obsežno kot spremljevalni borec dolgega dosega, ko je opremljen s spustnimi tanki pod svojimi krili.
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Lockheed P-38 Strela
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Lockheed P-38L Lightning Walk Around
FotografCees Hendriks

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P-38J Lightning Walk Around
FotografHoward Mason

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Lockheed P-38 Lightning Walk Around

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Lockheed P-38J-10-LO Lightning Walk Around
FotografCees Hendriks
Več informacij:

The Lockheed P-38 Lightning was a versatile and innovative fighter aircraft that served in various roles during World War II. It was designed by Lockheed Corporation in response to a US Army Air Corps specification for a high-performance interceptor with twin engines, a single seat, and a heavy armament. The P-38 had a unique twin-boom configuration with a central nacelle that housed the cockpit and weapons. The P-38 was one of the first fighters to feature a tricycle landing gear, a pressurized cockpit, and a turbo-supercharged engine that enabled it to operate at high altitudes. The P-38 was also equipped with drop tanks that extended its range for long-distance escort missions.
The P-38 saw action in all theaters of the war, but it was especially effective in the Pacific, where it was used by some of the top American aces, such as Richard Bong, Thomas McGuire, and Charles MacDonald. The P-38 was also used for fighter-bomber, night fighter, reconnaissance, and pathfinder roles. The P-38 was capable of delivering a devastating punch with its four 12.7 mm machine guns and one 20 mm cannon mounted in the nose. The P-38 was also able to carry bombs, rockets, or torpedoes under its wings. The P-38 was nicknamed “Lightning” by the British, who also used it under lend-lease agreements. The Germans called it “der Gabelschwanz Teufel” (the fork-tailed devil), while the Japanese feared it as “two planes, one pilot”.
The P-38 was produced from 1941 to 1945, with a total of 10,037 units built. It was the only American fighter aircraft in large-scale production throughout the war. The P-38 was retired from service in 1949 by the US Air Force, but some were used by other countries until 1965. The P-38 was a remarkable aircraft that combined speed, power, maneuverability, and versatility. It was a true force of nature that struck like lightning.

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