Uss treska SS-224


Krajiny Spojené štáty americké
Úlohu Ponorka
Začala 21 March 1943
Mimo prevádzky 15 December 1971
USS Cod (SS/AGSS/IXSS-224) is a Gato-class submarine, the only vessel of the United States Navy to be named for the cod, named after the world’s most important food fish of the North Atlantic and North Pacific. Her keel was laid down by the Electric Boat Company of Groton, Connecticut on 21 July 1942. The submarine’s five diesel engines were built by General Motors’ Cleveland Diesel plant located on the west side of Cleveland. She was launched on 21 March 1943 (sponsored by Mrs. G.M. Mahoney), and commissioned on 21 June 1943 with Commander James C. Dempsey in command. Dempsey had already won fame by sinking the first Japanese destroyer lost in the war while in command of USS S-37, a tiny World War I-era submarine.
Zdrojový: USS Cod na Wikipédii
USS Cod SS-224 Walk Around
Fotograf Bill Maloney
Lokalizácia Neznáme
Fotografie 477
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USS Cod WWII Submarine Memorial Photo Museum Guide - Amazon

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Viac info:

Komisia USS Cod is a historic submarine that served in World War II and the Cold War. It was launched in 1943 and participated in several combat missions in the Pacific theater, sinking more than a dozen enemy ships and rescuing the crew of a Dutch submarine. The USS Cod was also the first submarine to perform a successful international submarine-to-submarine rescue. After the war, the USS Cod was modernized and continued to serve until 1971. It was decommissioned and donated to the city of Cleveland, Ohio, where it is now a museum ship and a National Historic Landmark. The USS Cod is one of the few preserved submarines that still has its original configuration and equipment, and visitors can explore its interior and learn about its history and legacy.

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