VCC-80 Dardo

Bojowy wóz piechoty Dardo

RoliPojazd bojowy piechoty
W eksploatacjiod 1998 do chwili obecnej

Tthe Dardo powiedział: is an infantry fighting vehicle designed for the Italian Army as a replacement for the M113 APC. It is designed and built by the Iveco Fiat Oto Melara Syndicated Company based in Rome. Iveco is responsible for the hull and propulsion systems, while Oto Melara is responsible for the weapons and fire control systems.

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VCC-80 Dardo Spacer
FotografPaolo Fanin

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Wait, Searching Dardo IFV for you…

The Dardo is an 8×8 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) designed and manufactured by Iveco-Oto Melara for the Italian Army.

Kluczowe cechy

  • 8×8 Wheeled Configuration: Provides high mobility on and off-road.
  • Modułowa konstrukcja: Można go łatwo dostosować do różnych ról, w tym transportu żołnierzy, zwiadu, dowodzenia i kontroli oraz platform uzbrojenia.
  • Protection: Offers protection against small arms fire, shell fragments, and some anti-tank weapons.
  • Armament: Typically armed with a 25mm cannon, but can be equipped with other weapons like anti-tank missiles and machine guns.
  • Amphibious Capability: The Dardo is amphibious, allowing it to operate in shallow water.


The Dardo plays a crucial role in the Italian Army, providing mechanized infantry with firepower and mobility.

The Dardo is considered a modern and effective IFV, well-suited for a wide range of military operations.

Liczba wyświetleń : 16

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