Ford 5-AT-B Trimotor

Ford AT-5 Tri-motor

Land Norge , Norge
Rolle Transportfly
Introduksjon 1926
Bygget 199
Den Ford Trimotor (also called the “Tri-Motor”, and nicknamed “The Tin Goose”) is an American three-engined transport aircraft. Production started in 1925 by the companies of Henry Ford and ended on June 7, 1933. A total of 199 Ford Trimotors were made. It was designed for the civil aviation market, but also saw service with military units.
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Fotograf Cees Hendriks
Lokalisering Unknow
Bilder 26
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Ford 5-AT-B Trimotor
FotografVladimir Yakubov
LokaliseringEvergreen luft- og romfartsmuseum
Mer info:

Den Ford AT-5 Tri-motor was a variant of the Ford Trimotor aircraft that was designed and built by the Ford Motor Company in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The AT-5 was a passenger and cargo transport plane that could carry up to 12 passengers or 2,000 pounds of cargo. The AT-5 had three Pratt & Whitney Wasp radial engines that gave it a cruising speed of 110 mph and a range of 500 miles.
Den AT-5 was one of the first all-metal aircraft in the world and featured a corrugated aluminum skin that increased its strength and durability. The AT-5 was used by several airlines and military operators in the United States and abroad, and was also involved in some notable flights, such as the first transcontinental flight by a commercial airliner in 1929 and the first flight over the South Pole by Admiral Richard Byrd in 1929. The AT-5 was a reliable and versatile aircraft that helped pioneer the development of commercial aviation in the early 20th century.

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