Higth greičio traktorius M6

M6 traktorius

VaidmenįArtilerijos traktorius
Pagamintas1944 m. vasario mėn.–1945 m. rugpjūčio mėn.
Ne. Pastatytas1,235

2007 M6 greitaeigis traktorius was an artillery tractor used by the US Army during World War II. Manufactured by Allis-Chalmers, it was used to tow heavy artillery pieces, such as the 8-inch Gun M1 and 240 mm howitzer M1. Its G-number was (G-184)

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Higth Speed Tractor M6 Walk Around
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Daugiau informacijos:

2007 M6 greitaeigis traktorius was a hefty vehicle used by the US Army in World War II to tow heavy artillery around the battlefield. Built by Allis-Chalmers, it wasn’t exactly a speed demon by modern standards, but its “high speed” designation was meant in comparison to the horse-drawn artillery of the past, not trucks or tanks. Here are some of the key features of the M6 High-Speed Tractor: Massive towing capacity: Weighed in at 38 tons and was designed to tow some of the biggest guns in the US arsenal, like the 8-inch Gun M1 and the 240 mm Howitzer M1. Dual engine power: Packed a punch with two Waukesha 145GZ 6-cylinder gasoline engines, each cranking out 190 horsepower for a total of 380 horsepower. Decent speed: For its time and purpose, the M6 was fairly quick. It could reach up to 21 miles per hour (34 kilometers per hour). Troop transport: In addition to hauling artillery, the M6 could also seat up to 10 passengers in its cabin. Winter warfare ready: The crew compartment could be covered with a sheet to keep the troops warm in harsh winter conditions. Overall, the M6 High-Speed Tractor was a powerful and versatile vehicle that helped the JAV armija perkelti savo didelius ginklus aplink mūšio lauką Antrojo pasaulinio karo metu.

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