152mm Dana ShKH vz.77 04

152 mm SpGH DANA

TipasSavaeigis ginklas

2007 DANA is a wheeled self-propelled artillery piece. It is also known as the Samohybná Kanónová Húfnica vzor 77 (ShKH vz. 77; self-propelled gun howitzer model 77). It was designed by Konštrukta Trenčín and built by ZTS Dubnica nad Váhom in the former Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia). Introduced in the 1970s, it was the first wheeled 152 mm self-propelled artillery gun to enter service. It is based on a modified eight-wheel drive (8×8) Tatra 815 chassis with excellent cross-country mobility.

Šaltinis: 152 mm SpGH DANA on Wikipedia

152mm Dana ShKH vz.77 Walk Around
FotografaiVojtech Micek
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More infos:

The 152 mm SpGH DANA is a 152 mm self-propelled howitzer developed in Czechoslovakia and currently in service with several countries around the world.

Pagrindinės savybės

  • Self-Propelled: Mounted on a tracked chassis, providing excellent mobility on various terrains.
  • High Firepower: Capable of firing a wide range of ammunition, including high-explosive, smoke, and illumination rounds.
  • High Rate of Fire: Can achieve a high rate of fire, delivering significant firepower in a short time.
  • Modernization: Many DANA howitzers have undergone modernization programs, enhancing their capabilities and extending their service life.


The 152 mm SpGH DANA plays a crucial role in artillery support, providing indirect fire support to ground forces in various combat scenarios.

It is a versatile and effective artillery system used by many countries for both offensive and defensive operations.

Peržiūrėta: 34

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