Ariete tank | |
Šalies | Italia |
Vaidmenį | Pagrindinis mūšio bakas |
Pagamintas | 1995–2002 |
Pastatytas | 200 |
2007 C1 Arietė (angliškai: battering ram) yra pagrindinis Italijos armijos mūšio tankas, kurį sukūrė Consorzio Iveco Oto Melara (CIO), konsorciumas, kurį sudaro Iveco ir OTO Melara. Važiuoklę ir variklį gamino "Iveco", o bokštelį ir priešgaisrinę sistemą tiekė "OTO Melara".
Šaltinis: Ariete bakas Vikipedijoje
Ariete C1 Walk Around | |
Fotografas | Nežinoti |
Lokalizavimo | Nežinoti |
Nuotraukos | 44 |

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MBT Ariete Walk Around | |
Fotografas | Fabrizio Vaccari |
Lokalizavimo | Nežinoti |
Nuotraukos | 47 |
2007 C1 Arietė is a modern main battle tank of the Italian Army, designed and built by a consortium of Iveco and Oto Melara. It entered service in 1995 and is the successor of the Leopard 1 and M60 tanks. The Ariete has a 120 mm smoothbore gun, a digital fire-control system, a thermal imaging system, and composite armor.
The Ariete is one of the most advanced tanks in Europe, capable of engaging targets day and night, on the move, and in various weather conditions. The Ariete has a four-man crew and can reach a maximum speed of 65 km/h. The Ariete has participated in several peacekeeping missions, such as in Iraq and Lebanon.
Peržiūros : 1716