Challenger 1 | |
Šalies | Jk |
Tipas | Pagrindinis mūšio bakas |
Tarnyboje | 1983–2001 |
Pastatytas | 420 |
2007 FV4030/4 Challenger 1 yra britų pagrindinis mūšio bakas (MBT), kurį Britų armija naudojo nuo 1983 iki 2001 m., Kai jį pakeitė Challenger 2. Didžioji dalis "Challenger 1" laivyno vėliau buvo parduota Jordanijai, kur ji liko tarnauti Karališkojoje Jordanijos armijoje, kol 2018 m. buvo paskelbta apie pasitraukimą. Šios transporto priemonės, žinomos vietoje kaip "Al-Hussein", gavo įvairias Jordanijos modifikacijas, kol jas pakeitė prancūzų pagaminti "Leclerc" tankai iš JAE ir buvę Italijos "B1 Centauro 8×8" ratiniai tankų naikintuvai. Jordanijos Challenger 1 laivynas buvo išleistas į pensiją iki 2023 m. sausio mėn.
Šaltinis: Challenger 1 I Vikipedijoje
Challenger 1 Walk Around | |
Fotografas | Darrenas Bakeris |
Lokalizavimo | Nežinoti |
Nuotraukos | 32 |

Susiję rinkiniai:
Challenger CRARRV Walk Around | |
Fotografas | Nežinoti |
Lokalizavimo | Nežinoti |
Nuotraukos | 30 |
The Challenger 1 was a British main battle tank that served in the British Army from 1983 to 2001. It was developed from an Iranian order for an improved version of the Chieftain tank, but after the Iranian Revolution, the British Army became the customer and adopted it as its new MBT. The Challenger 1 was notable for being the first tank to use Chobham armour, a composite ceramic armour that offered superior protection against kinetic energy and shaped charge projectiles.
The Challenger 1 also had a powerful 120 mm rifled gun that could fire various types of ammunition, including high-explosive squash head (HESH), armour-piercing discarding sabot (APDS), and depleted uranium (DU) rounds. The Challenger 1 participated in several conflicts, most notably the Gulf War of 1990-1991, where it achieved a record-breaking tank kill at a distance of over four kilometers. The Challenger 1 was replaced by the Challenger 2 in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and most of its remaining units were sold to Jordan, where they were upgraded and renamed Al-Hussein. The Jordanian Challenger 1 fleet was retired by January 2023.
Raskite rinkinius "eBay":
Peržiūrėta : 2014