기갑 기갑 기갑 61

기갑 기갑 기갑 61

형식중형 전차
사진건터 노이마호르

의 앨범 46 탱크 사진 기갑 기갑 기갑 61

기갑 61은 스위스 냉전 시대의 중형 전차였으며, 나중에 2세대 주요 전투 탱크로 재분류되었다. 이 탱크의 무게는 36.5톤으로 630마력의 디젤 엔진으로 구동되어 최고 도로 속도인 31mph(50km/h)를 제공했습니다. 기갑 61의 기본 무장은 105mm 주총이었다.

소스: 기갑 61 온 위키백과

잠깐, 당신을 위해 기갑 61 사진을 검색 ...
서비스 기록
서비스 중1965–1994
에 의해 사용스위스
생산 역사
제조업체이드게쇠시쉬 콘스트루키스베르크슈슈테테트 툰
빌드된 번호150
너비3.06 m
높이2.72 m

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The Panzer 61 was a medium tank developed by Switzerland in the 1950s and 1960s as a response to the threat of a possible Soviet invasion of Western Europe. The tank was based on the earlier Panzer 58 prototype, which was fitted with a British 105 mm L7 gun as its main armament. The Panzer 61 had a four-man crew and a weight of 39 tons. It was powered by a Mercedes-Benz V-8 diesel engine that gave it a maximum speed of 55 km/h. The tank had a conventional layout, with the driver in the front hull, the turret in the center, and the engine and transmission in the rear. The turret had a commander’s cupola with a machine gun mount and a loader’s hatch on the left side. The tank had a coaxial 7.5 mm machine gun and another one on the hull front. The armor of the Panzer 61 was up to 120 mm thick on the front and could withstand hits from most Soviet tank guns of that era.
The Panzer 61 entered service with the Swiss Army in 1965 and was produced until 1967, with a total of 150 units built. The tank was later upgraded with some features from the more advanced Panzer 68, such as improved fire control and communication systems. The Panzer 61 served as the main battle tank of Switzerland until the late 1980s, when it was replaced by the Leopard 2-based Panzer 87. The Panzer 61 never saw combat, but it was an important milestone in the development of Swiss armored vehicles. The chassis of the Panzer 61 was also used for other variants, such as a self-propelled gun and an armored recovery vehicle.

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