베드포드 QLD 일반 서비스 - IBG 35015

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베드포드 QLD 일반 서비스

브랜드를 형성하는 키트 IBG 모델 키트 : 베드포드 QLD 일반 서비스 - IBG 35015 Tthe 베드포드 QLD was the GS (general service) cargo truck version of the QL series of truck, manufactured by Bedford Vehicles, for use by the British Armed Forces in World War II. The Bedford QL was in production from 1941 to 1945. About 52,250 were produced in total. The QLD was the most numerous version in the series.

소스: Bedford on IBG Models

베드포드 QLD 일반 서비스 - IBG 35015
베드포드 QLD 일반 서비스 – IBG 35015

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참고 항목:

World War II: The Definitive Visual History from Blitzkrieg to the Atom Bomb(DK Definitive Visual Histories) - 아마존 지도별 제2차 세계 대전 지도(DK History Map by Map) - 아마존

관련 키트:

전망 : 1057

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