Yakovlev Yak-11 Alce


PaeseUnione Sovietica
digitareAerei da addestramento
Primo volo10 novembre 1945

Galleria fotografica di un Yak-11, The Yakovlev Yak-11 (Russian: Яковлев Як-11; NATO reporting name: “Moose”) is a trainer aircraft used by the Soviet Air Force and other Soviet-influenced air forces from 1947 until 1962.

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FotografoAndrej Zinchuk
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Per saperne di più:

Le Yakovlev Yak-11 was a trainer aircraft used by the Soviet Air Force and other Soviet-influenced air forces from 1947 until 1962. It was based on the Yak-3 fighter, but with a radial engine and a tandem cockpit. The Yak-11 had a metal wing and a mixed metal and wood fuselage. It was armed with a single machine gun and could carry two bombs. The Yak-11 was also produced in Czechoslovakia as the LET C-11.
Le Yak-11 was a versatile and reliable trainer that could operate from rough or snow-covered runways. It was used by many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Some Yak-11s were even used in combat during the Korean War by North Korea. The Yak-11 was eventually replaced by more advanced jet trainers, but some examples are still flying today as warbirds or racing aircraft.

Visualizzazioni : 2087

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